Bitcoin Test Networks

Revision as of 17:13, 11 January 2020 by Joshua Henslee (talk | contribs)


The Testnet is a separate BSV network that has all the same functionality as the Mainnet, except its Bitcoins have no real market value. The Testnet serves to provide a stable testing environment for applications such that developers do not have spent actual BSV before deploying their service to the Mainnet. WhatsOnChain provides a testnet block explorer available for public use. A faucet for acquiring testnet coins can be found here.

Scaling Test Network

The Scaling Test Network is a Bitcoin SV blockchain specifically for testing large blocks and sustained transaction volume. Nodes can be configured to connect to this version of the Testnet. This was created in order to segregate scaling testing from the Testnet whose purpose is for application development. This network is necessary to achieve the massive scale that Bitcoin SV intends to achieve.